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Trademark Classification Search

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Class 17 - Rubber Goods

Unprocessed and semi-processed rubber, gutta-percha, gum, asbestos, mica and substitutes for all these materials; plastics and resins in extruded form for use in manufacture; packing, stopping and insulating materials; flexible pipes, tubes and hoses, not of metal.

Class Class Name
17 insulation hollow sleeves
17 insulation materials for buildings
17 insulation materials for clothing and sleeping bags made of synthetic batting
17 insulation materials for construction
17 insulation materials for electrical engineering purposes, electric motors and electric devices
17 insulation tapes
17 insulation wraps
17 insulators
17 insulators for cables
17 insulators for electric mains
17 insulators for railway tracks
17 insulators intended for energy production, transport and distribution
17 insulators made of fibre cement
17 joint packings
17 joint packings for pipes
17 joint sealants
17 Joint sealing compounds
17 joint sealing strips
17 joint sealing tapes
17 junctions, not of metal, for pipes
17 laminated boards of plastics for use in manufacture
17 laminated plastic films with conductive paths for use in manufacture
17 laminated plastic materials for use in manufacture
17 laminated plastic sheets for use in manufacture
17 laminated plastic surface protection materials
17 laminated plastics for use in manufacture
17 laminates made predominantly of plastic for use in the manufacture of countertops
17 laminates made predominantly of plastic for use in the manufacture of furniture
17 laminates made predominantly of plastic for use in the manufacture of table tops
17 laminates made predominantly of plastic for use in the manufacture of vanity tops
17 laminates made predominantly of plastic for use in the manufacture of wall paneling
17 latex [rubber]
17 lawn hoses
17 liquid gasket sealer for automotive use
17 liquid rubber
17 lute
17 masking sheets [other than stationery and not for household or medical use]
17 masking tapes [other than stationery and not for household or medical use]
17 materials for insulating buildings against moisture
17 materials for packing or insulation
17 materials for packing, stopping, bonding, gasketing, caulking, insulating or sealing
17 materials for packing, stopping, sealing and insulating
17 materials used for thermal insulation and sound insulation
17 metal foil for insulation
17 metal foil insulation
17 mica, raw or partly processed
17 mineral wool [insulator]
17 moldable foam resins for use in the manufacture of molded plastic articles
17 molded plastic materials
17 moulded laminated materials of plastic or manufactured predominately made of plastics, as semi-manufactured products

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