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Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 25 - Clothing & Shoes

Clothing, footwear, headwear
Commonly used descriptions: aprons (clothing); belts (clothing); children's clothing; clothing; clothing for gymnastics; clothing of leather; footwear; gloves (clothing); hats; infants' clothing; knitwear; maternity clothing; outerwear; rain boots; sandals; school uniforms; sleepwear; socks; sports clothing; sports shoes; swimwear; ties; trousers; tuxedos; underwear; uniforms; veils; wedding gowns; windbreakers; wraps;
Class Class Name
25 clothing for skateboarding
25 clothing for sports
25 clothing for swimming
25 clothing for trekking
25 clothing for water sports
25 clothing for wedding
25 clothing for wrestlers
25 clothing incorporating LEDs
25 clothing made of cashmere
25 clothing made of fabric
25 clothing made of fleece
25 clothing made of hide
25 clothing made of hides or skin
25 clothing made of jean
25 clothing made of knitted fabrics
25 clothing made of leather
25 clothing made of mesh
25 clothing made of mohair
25 clothing made of synthetic textiles
25 clothing made of wool
25 clothing of furs
25 clothing of imitation of leather
25 clothing of imitations of leather
25 clothing of leather
25 clothing of leather for motorcyclists
25 clothing with water resistant properties
25 coats
25 coats [fur]
25 coats [leather]
25 coats [sports]
25 cold weather boots
25 collars [clothing]
25 combinations [clothing]
25 corselets
25 corset articles
25 corsets [underclothing]
25 costumes comprised of body suits and face mask
25 costumes for masquerade
25 cotton shirts
25 cotton shoes
25 court shoes
25 coveralls
25 covers for snowshoes
25 cowboy suits
25 cravats
25 crew neck sweaters
25 cricket shirts
25 crop tops
25 cuffs
25 cuffs for clothing

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