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Class 29 - Foodstuff

Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, frozen, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams, compotes; eggs; milk, cheese, butter, yogurt and other milk products; oils and fats for food.
Commonly used descriptions: bean curd; beverages containing milk and lactic acid bacteria; beverages having a milk base; butter; canned meat, seafood, fish, poultry, game, fruits and vegetables; cheese; cooked and preserved vegetables; dried, preserved and cooked fruits and vegetables; edible birds' nest products; edible fats; edible nuts; edible seaweed; eggs; fish and shellfish [not live]; fruit jelly spreads; fruits salads; hamburgers; meat; meat, fish, poultry and game, none being live; milk; milk powder [other than for babies]; potato chips and crisps; prepared meat; preserved fruits and vegetables; preserved pickles; processed seafood; sausages; soup preparations; soup preparations; soya milk; yoghurt;
Class Class Name
29 mixtures of processed fruits and herbs
29 mixtures of processed nuts and dried fruits
29 mollusca
29 molluscs, not live
29 mollusks, not live
29 mousse (savoury)
29 mushrooms
29 mushrooms being preserved, dried, canned or processed products
29 mushrooms, preserved
29 mushrooms, preserved and/or dried
29 mussels, not live
29 non-alcoholic eggnog
29 non-alcoholic milk shakes [milk predominating] containing fruit extracts
29 non-alcoholic milk shakes [milk predominating] containing fruit extracts and/or fruit juices
29 nut and seed snacks
29 nut oil
29 nut-based spreads
29 nuts, prepared
29 oat milk
29 oils for food
29 olive oil
29 olive oil for food
29 olives [prepared]
29 olives, preserved
29 omelets
29 omelettes
29 onion rings
29 onions, preserved
29 oysters, not live
29 palm kernel oil for food
29 palm oil for food
29 paste made from fruit
29 paste made from nuts
29 pastry fillings of meat
29 pastry fillings of vegetables
29 peanut butter
29 peanut milk
29 peanut milk for culinary purposes
29 peanut milk-based beverages
29 peanuts, prepared
29 peas, preserved
29 peas, processed
29 pectin for culinary purposes
29 pickled, dried and/or preserved vegetables
29 pickled fruits
29 pickled ginger
29 pickled vegetables
29 pickles
29 pie fillings of meat
29 pie fillings of vegetables

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