CPY Trademark Services

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成立公司 銀行開戶 公司秘書 會計、審計及報稅 商標註冊 TVP 科技券計劃

Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 39 - Transport & Packaging

Transport; packaging and storage of goods; travel arrangement.

Class Class Name
39 animal transport
39 animal transport information
39 animal transport reservation
39 armored-car transport
39 armoured car transportation services
39 armoured car transportation services for coin, currency and other valuables
39 armoured-car transport
39 arrangement for the delivery of goods and parcels by sea, land and air
39 arrangement for the transportation of goods by land, water, and air
39 arrangement of cruises
39 arrangement of excursions and sightseeing tours
39 arrangement of sightseeing tours
39 arrangement of tour services
39 arrangement of tours
39 arrangement of transport services
39 arrangement of transportation services
39 arranging airline, train and cruise tickets
39 arranging and booking of holiday, travels, tours, cruises and vehicle hire
39 arranging and booking of seats for travel
39 arranging and conducting of sightseeing tours
39 arranging and conducting of tours
39 arranging and conducting sighteeing tours
39 arranging and operating tours
39 arranging and organizing of tours
39 arranging and providing tours and cruises
39 arranging and providing transport by land, sea and air
39 arranging and providing travel transport by land, sea and air
39 arranging and provision of transport of baggage and goods
39 arranging and reserving travel and tours by land, sea and air
39 arranging car and boat rental
39 arranging chartering of ships for others
39 arranging cruises
39 arranging delivery of goods
39 arranging distribution of raw materials and/or goods (transportation)
39 arranging expedited pick-up, storage, transportation and delivery of documents, packages and personal property by air, rail, boat and motor vehicle
39 arranging expedited pick-up, storage, transportation and delivery services
39 arranging flights
39 arranging for travel visas and travel documents for persons travelling abroad
39 arranging international shipping of goods and freight consolidation services
39 arranging loading and unloading of goods
39 arranging motorcycle tours
39 arranging of air, marine, railway, road and/or river transport services
39 arranging of car rental
39 arranging of cruises
39 arranging of cruises and tours
39 arranging of cruises, excursions, expeditions and tours
39 arranging of local and overseas travel
39 arranging of overseas travel
39 arranging of passenger transportation services for others via an online application
39 arranging of sight-seeing tours

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