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Trademark Classification Search

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Class 6 - Metallic Material

Common metals and their alloys, ores; metal materials for building and construction; transportable buildings of metal; non-electric cables and wires of common metal; small items of metal hardware; metal containers for storage or transport; safes.

Class Class Name
6 small items of metal hardware
6 snap rings [fasteners] of metal
6 soldering wire of metal
6 soundproof booths of metal, transportable
6 soundproof panels and partitions of metal
6 space frame modular units of metal
6 split rings of common metal for keys
6 spring locks
6 spring washers of metal
6 springs [metal hardware]
6 springs of metal
6 springs of titanium copper alloys
6 spurs
6 stables of metal
6 stacking trays of metal
6 stainless steel alloy bars
6 stainless steel articles
6 stainless steel boards
6 stainless steel ceilings
6 stainless steel cloth hooks
6 stainless steel door handles
6 stainless steel door hinges
6 stainless steel doors and window
6 stainless steel in the shape of beams
6 stainless steel in the shape of blanks
6 stainless steel in the shape of coils
6 stainless steel in the shape of foils
6 stainless steel in the shape of hoops
6 stainless steel in the shape of sheets
6 stainless steel in the shape of slabs
6 stainless steel in the shape of strips
6 stainless steel nails
6 stainless steel pipes
6 stainless steel pipes and tubes
6 stair edgings of metal
6 stair towers made of metal for shuttering scaffoldings
6 stair treads
6 stair treads of metal
6 stair treads [steps] of metal
6 staircases of metal
6 stakes of metal for plants or trees
6 staples, nails and screws for use with stapling, nailing or screwing machines
6 staples of common metal (other than stationery)
6 staples of metal (other than stationery)
6 statues of common metal
6 statues of metal
6 statues, statuettes and ornaments made of common metals and bronze
6 statues, statuettes, sculptures and trophies of common metal or their alloys
6 statuettes of common metal
6 statuettes of metal

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