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Trademark Classification Search

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Class 6 - Metallic Material

Common metals and their alloys, ores; metal materials for building and construction; transportable buildings of metal; non-electric cables and wires of common metal; small items of metal hardware; metal containers for storage or transport; safes.

Class Class Name
6 drain traps [valves] of metal
6 draining pipes (of metal)
6 drawer handles of metal
6 drawer knobs of metal
6 drawer locks
6 drawer pulls of metal
6 drawers made of metal and not being furniture
6 drawn and polished metal bars
6 duckboards of metal
6 ductile iron flanges
6 ductile iron pipe fittings
6 ductile iron pipes
6 ductile pipes of metal
6 ducts and pipes of metal for central heating installations
6 ducts for central heating installations
6 ducts of metal
6 ducts of metal for central air conditioning installations
6 ducts of metal for central heating installations
6 ducts of metal, for central heating installations
6 ducts of metal for central ventilating installations
6 ducts of metal for ventilating
6 ducts of metal for ventilating and air-conditioning installations
6 edgings of metal
6 elbows of metal for pipes
6 elbows of metal for pipes
6 enclosures of metal for tombs
6 engraved copper door
6 escutcheons of metal
6 expansion bolts of metal
6 external metal shutters for windows
6 eye bolts
6 eyelets of common metal (other than for clothing)
6 fabricated metal articles
6 face towel dispensers made wholly or principally of metal or stainless steel
6 faceplates of metal
6 fasteners of common metal
6 fastening anchors of metal for securing pictures and similar objects to walls
6 fastening devices of metal
6 fastening fittings of metal for pipes
6 faucets of metal for casks
6 fence posts of metal
6 fences and grilles of wire netting
6 fences of metal
6 fences, posts and doors of metal
6 ferrotitanium
6 ferrules of metal
6 ferrules of metal for canes and walking sticks
6 ferrules of metal for handles
6 ferrules of metal for walking sticks
6 figurines of common metal

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