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Trademark Classification Search

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Class 33 - Alcoholic Beverages

Alcoholic beverages, except beers; alcoholic preparations for making beverages.

Class Class Name
33 perry
33 piquette
33 port wine
33 pre-mixed alcoholic beverages
33 pre-mixed alcoholic beverages, other than beer-based
33 prepared alcoholic cocktails
33 prepared frozen alcoholic cocktails
33 red wine
33 refined rice wine
33 rice alcohol
33 rice wines
33 rum
33 rum cocktails
33 rum liqueurs
33 sake
33 sake [Japanese rice wines]
33 Scotch whisky
33 sherry
33 sherry wines
33 shochu [Japanese white liquor]
33 Soju [Korean liqueurs distilled or diluted]
33 sparkling and bubbly wines
33 sparkling wines
33 spiced or flavored liquors
33 spirit beverages
33 spirit-based alcoholic beverages with fruit, herb or spice flavours
33 spirits
33 spirits and liquor based cocktails and drinks
33 spirits [beverages]
33 still alcoholic beverages
33 strawberry wines
33 sugar cane spirits
33 sugarcane-based alcoholic beverages
33 table wines
33 tequila
33 tonic liquor flavored with pine needle extracts
33 vermouth
33 vintage wine
33 vodka
33 vodka-based beverages with flavourings
33 vodka-based pre-mixed cocktails
33 whisky
33 whisky liqueurs
33 white wine
33 wild grapes wine
33 wild strawberry wine
33 wine
33 wine-based aperitifs
33 wine-based beverages
33 wines (grape -)

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