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Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 6 - Metallic Material

Common metals and their alloys, ores; metal materials for building and construction; transportable buildings of metal; non-electric cables and wires of common metal; small items of metal hardware; metal containers for storage or transport; safes.

Class Class Name
6 nuts of metal
6 oil drainage containers of metal
6 ores of metal
6 ores of niobium, tantalum, molybdenum, tungsten, cobalt and nickel
6 outdoor blinds of metal
6 packaging containers of metal
6 packaging materials made of metal
6 packaging materials of metal
6 packing boxes made of metal
6 packing containers of metal
6 packings of metal
6 padlocks of metal
6 padlocks of metal, other than electronic
6 paint spraying booths of metal
6 palings of metal
6 pallets of metal
6 pan liners made of aluminium foil
6 panel mouldings of metal
6 pantiles of metal
6 partition frameworks of metal
6 partitions of metal
6 partitions of metal for construction into modular display units
6 parts and fitting for the doors and windows, all made of metal
6 parts for metal structures for use in mechanical engineering
6 paving blocks of metal
6 paving blocks of metal for building
6 paving slabs of metal
6 peeled metal bars
6 pegs of metal
6 penstock pipes of metal
6 petrol cans made of sheet metal
6 pewter figurines
6 pig iron
6 pigsties of metal
6 pilings of metal
6 pillars of metal
6 pillars of metal for building
6 pins [hardware]
6 pins made of metal
6 pins of common metal or their alloys
6 pipe and tubes of metal
6 pipe brackets of metal
6 pipe caps of metal
6 pipe clamps of metal
6 pipe connectors of metal
6 pipe couplings of metal
6 pipe elbows
6 pipe extensions of metal
6 pipe fittings [junctions] of metal
6 pipe fittings [metal]

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