CPY Trademark Services

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Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 8 - Manual Instruments

Hand tools and implements, hand-operated; cutlery; side arms, except firearms; razors.

Class Class Name
8 paring knives
8 pasta cutters (hand-operated)
8 pedicure sets
8 peelers (hand-operated)
8 penknives
8 perforating tools [hand tools]
8 perforating tools (hand-operated)
8 pestles for pounding [hand tools]
8 pickaxes
8 pickhammers
8 picks [hand tools]
8 pin punches
8 pincers
8 pipe and tube cutters
8 pipe bending tools (hand-operated)
8 pizza cutters, non-electric
8 plane irons
8 planes
8 planting tools [hand-operated]
8 plastic cutlery
8 pliers
8 pocket knives
8 police batons
8 polishing irons [glazing tools]
8 portable hand tools
8 potato mashers [hand tools]
8 potato peelers
8 priming irons [hand tools]
8 pruning knives
8 pruning scissors
8 pruning shears
8 pullers (hand-operated)
8 pumps for use in horticulture [hand-operated tools]
8 punch pliers [hand tools]
8 punch rings [knuckle dusters]
8 punches [hand tools]
8 putty knives
8 rabbeting planes
8 rakes [hand tools]
8 rammers [hand tools]
8 rams [hand tools]
8 rasps [hand tools]
8 ratchets [hand tools]
8 razor blade cartridges
8 razor blade dispensers
8 razor blades
8 razor blades cassettes
8 razor cases
8 razor strops
8 razors

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