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Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 8 - Manual Instruments

Hand tools and implements, hand-operated; cutlery; side arms, except firearms; razors.

Class Class Name
8 razors, electric or non-electric
8 reamer sockets
8 reamers
8 riveters [hand tools]
8 riveting hammers [hand tools]
8 sabres
8 safety razor blades
8 safety razors
8 safety scissors
8 sand trap rakes
8 saw blades
8 saw blades [parts of hand tools]
8 saw holders
8 saws [hand tools]
8 scaling knives
8 scissor holders (adapted)
8 scissors
8 scissors for cosmetic purpose
8 scissors [other than for surgical use]
8 scoops [hand tools]
8 scrapers for skis
8 scrapers [hand tools]
8 scraping tools [hand tools]
8 screw extractors (hand-operated)
8 screw stocks [hand tools]
8 screwdrivers, non-electric
8 screw-thread cutters [hand tools]
8 sculptors' chisels
8 scythe handles
8 scythe rings
8 scythe stones
8 scythes
8 secateurs
8 serrated pot forks
8 serving cutlery
8 serving forks
8 serving spoons
8 serving spoons and forks
8 sharpening instruments
8 sharpening steels
8 sharpening stones
8 sharpening wheels [hand tools]
8 shaving cases
8 shaving implements
8 shaving instruments
8 shaving razor blade cases (adapted)
8 shear blades
8 shearers [hand instruments]
8 shears
8 sheath knives

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