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Trademark Classification Search

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Class 8 - Manual Instruments

Hand tools and implements, hand-operated; cutlery; side arms, except firearms; razors.

Class Class Name
8 hair braiders, electric
8 hair clippers
8 hair clippers (electric and non-electric)
8 hair clippers for animals
8 hair clippers for animals [hand instruments]
8 hair clippers for personal use
8 hair clippers for personal use, electric and non-electric
8 hair curlers (being hand implements)
8 hair curling apparatus and implements
8 hair curling irons
8 hair cutting scissors
8 hair razors
8 hair removers
8 hair removing devices
8 hair scissors
8 hair styling implements
8 hair tongs
8 hair trimmers
8 hair waving tongs
8 hairdressing scissors
8 hair-removing tweezers
8 hammers
8 hammers [hand tools]
8 hand apparatus for curling hair
8 hand drills
8 hand drills, hand-operated
8 hand implements for hair curling
8 hand implements for kitchen use
8 hand implements for manicure
8 hand pumps
8 hand saw blades
8 hand tools and hand implements for use in forestry
8 hand tools and hand implements for use in horticulture
8 hand tools and implements for hair
8 hand tools and implements (hand operated) for the jewellery industry
8 hand tools and implements [hand-operated]
8 hand tools and instruments, all relating to hairdressing and personal grooming
8 hand tools for bending metal tubing
8 hand tools for hunting
8 hand tools for inserting nails and staples
8 hand tools for metalworking
8 hand tools for use in carpentry and joinery
8 hand tools for use in decorating
8 hand tools for use in the garden
8 hand tools for woodworking
8 hand tools [hand operated]
8 hand tools [hand operated] for opening cans
8 hand tools, hand-operated
8 handles for hand-operated hand tools
8 hand-operated abrasive instruments

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