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Trademark Classification Search

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Class 8 - Manual Instruments

Hand tools and implements, hand-operated; cutlery; side arms, except firearms; razors.

Class Class Name
8 hand-operated agricultural implements
8 hand-operated apparatus for cutting
8 hand-operated bottle openers
8 hand-operated choppers
8 hand-operated crimping tools
8 hand-operated drills
8 hand-operated food grinders
8 hand-operated food slicers
8 hand-operated fruit openers
8 hand-operated gardening tools and implements
8 hand-operated glue guns
8 hand-operated grinding tools
8 hand-operated grinding wheels
8 hand-operated hand saws
8 hand-operated hand tools and apparatus for household and kitchen use
8 hand-operated household tools and implements, all for manicure or pedicure
8 hand-operated implements for use in agriculture
8 hand-operated implements for use in forestry
8 hand-operated implements for use in horticulture
8 hand-operated insecticide sprayers
8 hand-operated lifting jacks
8 hand-operated metalworking tools
8 hand-operated mixing tools for paints
8 hand-operated paint can openers
8 hand-operated razors
8 hand-operated shears
8 hand-operated slicers
8 hand-operated staplers
8 hand-operated tools and implements for cutting
8 hand-operated tools and implements for drilling
8 hand-operated tools and implements for grinding
8 hand-operated tools and implements for honing
8 hand-operated tools and implements for milling
8 hand-operated tools and implements for polishing
8 hand-operated tools and implements for punching
8 hand-operated tools and implements for sawing
8 hand-operated tools and implements for sharpening
8 hand-operated tools and instruments for beauty and cosmetic purposes
8 hand-operated tools for drilling
8 hand-operated tools for making jewellery
8 hand-operated utility knives
8 hand-operated vegetable shredders
8 hand-operated wire cutters
8 harpoons
8 harpoons for fishing
8 hatchets
8 hobby knives [scalpels]
8 hoes
8 hoes [hand tools]
8 holders adapted for razor blades

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